Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pureed Food Molds That Look Like Real Food

Followers. You follow? Follower

days ago, I wrote about Follower and Social Networking opportunities, including addressing the issue of the possibility of seeing the Follower as a trophy in the hands of those engaged to collect huge amounts in the accounts of the Network

and usefulness of many followers, it is measured, it is important, for what?

The fact is that it could answer these questions with a simple " depends." Yes, it depends on the Network Social we are talking about depends on the valuation that the company and person you print those followers, depends on the purpose for which you want thousands or millions accumulated in the accounts, and surely there are more "dependent" than I can escape ...

The idea can be broken down, at least in part from the following perspectives:

A company in a social network like Facebook with thousands d fans can do Fast ads on their products and they come with great speed to its customers, which in turn generate the effect buzz "either generating discussion of the topic in your Facebook wall, making the news Tweet or simply discussing the issue with friends.

But if fans are hundreds or thousands behind a normal person, it is often surprising. Unless a public and / or their position in such activity as LIDES, it is unusual to have so many fans and surely most of them do not know. Maybe we'll see in this case to the people you'd like to show others as the keeper of thousands of followers but the majority appears to be completely unknown to him.

If you are a public figure or an important figure, it is normal that follow you thousands if not millions, but that in reviewing your account we realize that as long you follow 20 of those thousands of people. It is normal to see this position in the Twitter accounts, where there are many chiefs but few Indians ..... of course, depends on your point of view we choose to analyze.

is easy, very easy to fall into the latter instance because we are carried away by the popularity of someone in the background even ( in most cases ) is involved in creation of the Tweets (messages ) that are sent on their behalf from that account to the Net and of course all his followers will see instantly. If we try to send a direct message (DM known as Twitter ) we see that is impossible because the DM's only possible between users that are mutually.

In most networks of professional character as is the case of Linkedin , the case takes a different hue. Here your followers are focused on two things: first, to look to maximize their curricular synthesis using the most beautiful and impressive expressions for business professionals and "scout ", " head hunters" and even colleagues feel minimized at such professional quality, and secondly, the much-expected "Endorse me" or whatever it is, give a reference to that person as in the professional, and more from that social networks are booming, the recommendations of colleagues, bosses, superior in rank, supervised and even give weight and value friends who accumulates.

Social Networks and its products and of course the purpose of each, make them excellent tools, communication, socialization and mixing of ideas, cultures and people. However, do not forget that there who can do with the social networks mentioned so many times in real life with regard to the Laws "Who makes the law, makes the trap." Therefore, the personal assessment of how we show in the network, so we enter it, and that purpose does each of the profiles that I can show and that will be PUBLIC DOMAIN that time thereafter, you must provide a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe care and dependability that we have to expose our lives, either personal or professional in this world.

Envy for men shows how feel unhappy, and his constant attention to what they do or do not do others, shows how bored.

Jesus Grande
E-mail : jmanuel.grande @


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