Saturday, April 23, 2011

Organic Beef Production, New Zealand


The Follower ; interesting definition in its most literal sense means the person or people who follow you, in this case in any social network.

What is our interest in being able to have hundreds, thousands, many of them in our accounts, that's the point?

personally discovered the power of the "follower " for the first time in Linkedin, which is social rather than something professional, a dedicated network to know who you are in your career, your medals, thousands courses and the opinion of your employees or colleagues (if they do, of course).

At that time, and seeing the famous 500 + which was the symbol that would tell others that you were one of the powerful 500 or more fans in your account, I thought it was something beyond a number, which meant prestige and quality. Nothing is further from reality, after years and try the famous " followers" on many social networks or not, I've realized that this concept is totally and completely different depending on the network "social" in you are, depending on your real friendships and your ability to convene.

Consider the perspective of this issue;

In Linkedin, you know hundreds of people who usually are in other countries (not just close to yours) that are prolific in their shipments of requests for you to become a follower of your account. What are the parameters used for this purpose?, Usually belong to the same group, have information in your on-line curriculum that may be of interest or common to both, and last but not least you work in the same company , have been a companion of the same company and / or interests you have contacts in that company for any purpose.

Then turn to Facebook ; love of many ( 600 + million) and torture of many others, this rule was first applied in exactly the opposite. A network of friends, where they enter a very select colleagues and people who have really shared something significant in your life. Very cute, until one day you say Facebook is bigger (virtually speaking) in the number of customers than many large countries in the world. That's when you start thinking (and see that others thought before you) in making the face-book in a marquee or counter sales of sausages Excellent ..... a place where millions of people who obviously do not know but they can buy sausages on-line .... as someone said or told that somewhere (of course Zuckerberg knows it and begins to close the doors for free and charge for readings of 600 + million) have to convert your account into a medieval market with products there lying on the "Wall " and / or call an artist you can create a "Fan Page (fan page, fan and / or friends, shopping of course) in which among other things there is no limit of users who say "Like" but to get there (to the Fan Page "), few do so on the invitation of the owner or by recommendations from friends, must learn from paid ads of Zuckerberg & Cia .

Last but not least see the bird, I do know is called Twitter and is one of the best inventions for " gossips" / "gossips " network, including me same ( also work ). 140 characters that within 3 years have turned upside down as the network through them many companies "specialized" know that humor is a country, community or a particular person, know where you are, you like and even who will vote. Although the bird in died early almost every day, is strengthened and is now more or less an Eagle with keen eyesight, and millions of people who write in their burrows (no pens or ink ) messages continuously at a rate of millions per seconds to inform others of events, news, events, and often meaningless to them learning quickly. Messenger bird That can now take up meat in their claws and as many claim, he joined his brothers in the Red ( Facebook and other ) can even topple governments.

As final gift, find the place ..... if Instead, the form and manner, the "where" we can send and communicate with the bird, the face-book and the class curriculum. That gentlemen, is the focus, mobile phones (cell ) and devices " anywhere" as the case of the Tablet (IPAD and similar ) 3G connection and devices connected to the Web

In this case, as we see the " followers? That is fatten the 140 data characters or bird which is why loading pictures on face-book? Actually all the household receiving deserve it? We know who they all? Make review your syndrome " follower? And then think:

is the "Follower = A Trophy for which we are all willing to fight." And / or
Winner = the collector of "Followers" and hang their trophies at the "Wall " as the hunters hung their heads stuffed animals?

Jesus Grande
E-mail: @ jmanuel.grande


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