Tuesday, March 29, 2011

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Train your mind and get rid of limiting beliefs and

Next: Workshop Train your mind and get rid of SNUFF "

The course" Train your mind and get rid of snuff "has a unique approach able detaching the world of snuff for any smoker, teaching him to rescue the maximum mental and emotional capacity and showing the way out faster and easier with well designed patterns to free
of snuff without discomfort and addressing anxiety from the first day.

Who is it for?
-A all smokers want to quit voluntarily and want external support and guidance to facilitate the process of liberation.
-A all smokers interested in understanding the intricacies of the world of snuff and the real reason that keeps him tied to snuff.
"Any professional who wants to expand their knowledge in the field and learn a unique approach that combines theoretical concepts and practical.

SMALL GROUPS Learning in groups reduced facilitates and promotes the assimilation of information participants can benefit from a semi-custom process with lower investment than individual sessions. The groups will be 5 - 10 people max. 5 / 9

Module I STARTING POINT: The basis for a great start Introduction and Course Requirements The Mental Capacity importance in our lives Adjusting my GPS to start the process discover our unique starting point and specific stress and the right time

Module II WORLD SNUFF unmasking the Unit Physical, Mental and Emotional mental map of smoking snuff trap Unveiling Anxiety, Mono or withdrawal Untying process

Module III Learn to unlearn Waking internal capabilities and resources Learning Self Hypnosis The incredible power of words Weaknesses and Strengths to consider fumarnunca Stop been so pleasant

Module IV FOREVER RELEASED FROM SNUFF-MenteOigo Body Alignment and Oblivion; see and learn, I do and understand. How make the snuff is history forever Enhancing Positive Feelings 6 / 9
The course will consist of 5 sessions from Monday to Friday of 2 hours each (10 hrs total).
Schedule shall be 19.00 to 21.00 or agree.
SENDASANA , Street Barriers 13, Entlo. B, 30008 - Murcia
Center For more information feel free to contact us:
Welcome Morote: 677.77.10.29 or write me at this email:
coachingbienvenida@gmail.com , and send you a pdf with all the details.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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SNUFF job search

During 14 years working in professional counseling unemployed, I have noticed that a number of negative thoughts that slow or hinder the job search in people. These thoughts, in coaching and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is call "limiting beliefs", of which I speak in this article, especially those that interfere with job search, employability, and future employability. I intend through this article we identify what those beliefs are wrong, in order to have a convenient and rapid job placement.

believe that certain dates are not good job search.

"In the summer do not look because there is little movement," at Christmas is not a good time "...

Any time of year is good to find a job, do not know when a company can ask or reconsider a selection process.

believe that finding employment is a matter of "plugs."

"No plugs I will not find a job ever."

The "plugs" exist, but there are many other alternatives for employment. In addition, we must distinguish, "plugs" of the network of contacts (the latter is a very effective way of insertion.) The "plugs" are more blatant, where it attaches to the person without complying at all the professional profile of the post. The network of contacts (networking) are people who know (personally or through social or professional networking) and through them we can be aware of offers and useful information on the labor market.

believe that finding employment is only a matter of luck.

"I have no luck, so I will not find a job" "I'm always late," "some are born with stars and other star"

Luck applies to games of chance, and a few other matters. The rest, generating the sort depends on our attitude to the job search.

believe that the crisis is to blame for not finding a job .

"The crisis and the government are to blame for both strike"

The situation economy is in recession for some years, and is certainly not generate as many deals as in the past, but it is also true that not all sectors are equal, not all profiles are equal, not all people act equal before the job search. Think of a chance to reinvent yourself, sure to find some alternative. Ojo also with social phobia before the crisis there in the media since spread "negativity" everywhere.

believe that you've done everything in your job search.

"I've looked everywhere, and I get nothing"

There are people that when you have registered at the INEM (Sef in Murcia), and other intermediaries such as temporary employment, recruitment agencies and some employment sites, and believe they have done everything they had to do. There are other alternatives to further resources and seeking employment. We'll see you in another article.

believe that all companies pay poorly and all heads are equal .

"All the leaders are sons of ...."

Some people have had a bad experience in a company, such as working conditions, hierarchical conflicts ... and marking them both, who believe that all what will be found in Later, going to be. Mind you, not all companies are equal, not all bosses are ogres.

believe that spontaneous self-nomination is a waste of time.

"If the company does not have an offer for which I will leave the curriculum"

Some people think it is useless to leave the curriculum where there is no real choice. Beware! Perhaps this company I have not bid on that point, but can have it in the weeks and months ahead.

believe that you will not find employment, and therefore not looking.

"Why should I seek employment if I am not going to take"
study some people do not seek employment, in advance, do not think they're going to find. Beware of this thinking, since it is a snake biting its tail. Only you know if you find employment or not, if you're active.

believe that specialize and set a career goal does not work, and you lose opportunities.

"If I specialize, I will lose other opportunities"

Many people believe that finding employment in "anything" can give you more opportunities to find employment, to define a career goal according to their abilities, values \u200b\u200band skills. When you specialize in and have a good grasp of what you want, If you are a more attractive candidate to a company, when you worth "anything." We all have an added value as professionals and as people, we just have to find out.

Changing these mistaken beliefs is possible through tools such as coaching or NLP. Be aware of your beliefs wrong and change it. Welcome


Coach and professional guidance in career change expert.

And here's a video of Nacho Muñoz Campano, an expert in NLP and Hypnosis where you will find an excellent guide to understanding and change or update your limiting beliefs.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

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Vocational guidance. Links

Well, so far tests have emerged varied to know us better.
Here I put two links:

Questudio. is an electronic journal pretty good choice after learning different professional backgrounds. Specifically, the link goes to map everything can be done in Spain OFFICIAL.
This is important to remember that official means, basically, free or reduced price (in public, of course) and also with the option to object (which, as things are never hurts). CAIB

training offer. In this link you can see the official training offer Baleares (not including the university, but if you're interested, I remind you that besides the UIB and its associated centers tenésis the option of studying at a distance, in which case ... is generally better than the UNED UOC).

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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Careers - Refresher Courses Refresher Courses

U.S.. If you are close to TITULARTE, or you PUCP student, UPC, U. LIMA, U. PACIFIC, USMP, URP, UIGV, UNFV, San Marcos, UAP, USIL, UTP, other universities. Tutoring want to pass your Practice Partial or final exams, in your profession look into upgrade to Work in SUNAT, INEI, Comptroller SUNARP, mining corporations, industries and corporations. Be sure to read this notice is certainly of interest. ABOUT U.S.

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We CEMPREPRO (Centre for Preparation and Professional Development) PREPARE TRAINING take care of and title to graduates of accounting, management, INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS, FINANCE AND SIMILAR 14 years . . And advice and given classes at home for financial managers and accountants related


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To book an appointment for one of our advisors will provide personalized advice and answer all your questions, IF YOU ARE IN THE PROVINCES OR ABROAD contact us at our headquarters at (01) 7911185, via Internet, WWW.CEMPREPRO.ES.TL in Hi5, Facebook., Twuitter
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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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labor and tax-Accounting Tax and Accounting Changes


Dear friend (s):

CEMPREPRO , (Center Advisory and Professional Development) informs you that will take place, Three Days marathon Accounting Labor & Tax Update for Professionals, Students and Administrative Staff Accountant.

Within the program these days marathon will discuss in detail:

  • Tax Reform, the recent analysis of standards and those applicable to the Affidavit of 2011 respectively, with their business applications.

  • Amendments to Tax Code, Law on Income Tax, Internal Revenue, Rules and Regulations. among others.

  • tax regimes of Revenue Management, The New Changes to Mypes Act, applicable to the field Accounting, Legal and Labor.

  • Application of the New General Accounting Business Plan. Comparative study of PCGR and PCGE.

  • The most recent changes and updates that have occurred in IFRS, Nirs, NIC's.

  • Updated Labor and Corporate,

  • Employment Contracts, arbitrary dismissals, Workers Compensation, Closeouts, CTS. and Rights at Work. Cases Resolved.
All Days You will be applied and thoroughly developed.


Includes Certificate of Participation
Working Materials and Analysis.

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not forget to spread the word to your colleagues, friends or colleagues of work. Because these events are of vital importance in our work and knowledge necessary to keep up, and exercise our profession.

information and reservations at:
Location: 219 Of General Orbegoso. 307 9 Av Cdra H. Brena Brazil (Global Network channel 13) e mail: cemprepro@hotmail.com

(01) 7911185 (511) 999 432 428 Nextel 823 * 3603-816 * 8600 , (511) 990 999 237

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Steps to make an effective job search

Search active employment means being conscious and responsible, that getting a job lies to begin , in self , and implies that getting a job, is the result of a laborious process in which we must invest time, good planning, perseverance, patience and a dose of optimism.

The job search is synonymous with ability to move in a professional environment. It is very important to use our creativity and wonder, where I can be helpful with my personal and professional and above all, what is my value as a professional. as well as what companies may be interested in my candidacy. Career opportunities may vary depending on the economy, the fluctuation of market and technological advances, social or cultural, so it is interesting to discover and decantarte for you most passionate about.

For starters you should know that being unemployed, does not equal standing. I can be unemployed, but at the same time be fully active with my job search. Your job is to seek employment, and this has nothing to do with being "stopped."

Where to begin?

1 .- putting you, do a self-awareness of yourself to it, you can use the personal SWOT analysis. Here, it would include a reflection on what beliefs (or thoughts) are limiting or slowing down my search (in the next article explain what they are and how to change them).
2.-Make a market analysis you're going to talk to, ask what companies require for which I will address?, Which of these requirements I have, or I'm missing. What kind of companies I'm interested in, large small, medium? Which sectors attract me?
3.-Wonder where you can find employment how do most effectively.
5 .- Acting , go find, move, meeting new people, interact.

is important to understand that actively seek means personal involvement in each and every one of the steps we are going to give. We must be aware where we're going to do this, first, we position ourselves and reflect.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

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In early February, I sent the documentation for the certification of ASESCO, and it was necessary to ask 7 of my coaches (customers) a letter of reference.
Here are some testimonials by answering one question asking the reference letter: Why do you think is a good professional your coach, and what qualities stand out in it?

Maite Contreras
"Mainly empathy. created a climate of complete trust. Large capacity communication. Gave me peace, security , positivity, motivation. Delivery, in the deepest sense of the word.
Too many reasons why I think it is good professional, I will summarize by saying that got a mental change in me, a new vision, a different perspective on my situation and set planning my interests, motivations. Confirmed my vocation. Every reason to assert great professionalism. "

Antonio Sánchez
"I've worked several goals with my coach and emphasize the ability to adapt to my needs, and provide exercises to help me achieve my objectives, their desire to learn and improve and the passion and joy with which it does. The most important thing for me is that after each session I went home much happier and at ease with myself, do not hesitate to go to it or recommend it, because thanks to Welcome'm a better person, and that helped me find answers within myself "

Carlos Sánchez
"The main qualities that I can excel in Welcome was the enthusiasm, energy and empowerment that employed in each of the sessions . This approach allowed him to build confidence in yourself and the possibility of achieving the goal. "

Alba Lorente
"From my point of view, kindness, empathy, listening skills and effectiveness. I think it's very good professional, which is involved in their cases and is able to identify needs and areas for improvement in you, but so that you yourself eventually you realize they "

Antonio Sáez
"would highlight the professionalism of welcome for his ability to listen to the needs I had during the sessions , its high degree of empathy, communication skills and the variety of tools and exercises used to help me achieve my goal. I am grateful "

Alicia Martínez
"It was highly motivating for the whole process and I felt very valued as a person and heard at all times. I always thought my goal was achievable and fully believed in me, even in moments when I felt "lower morale." Used various tools and exercises to overcome my limitations and what kept me from achieving my goal. I think it's a great motivator of people, or at least it was for me. "

Sonia M. Piera
"It is a highly motivating and instill confidence.
also consider it a good career because they can listen and get in the place another person.
Generosa, and that left me a book on assertiveness to help me in my career goal, and also very f lexible with the agenda that we were establishing "

I thank you all, because through them, I also learned many things.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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was scared .. .

Fear is one of the biggest obstacles in getting what we want in life.

P or educational or family heritage (environment and environment) we learn throughout our life a number of fears. Fear of failure, fear of loneliness, fear of change, fear of the unknown, fear of being wrong. Fear, as Pilar says Jericho is healthy and feel normal, because it means we're alive, but the problem comes when that fear does not paralyze.

We've all been afraid throughout our lives. The interesting thing is when we learn to manage to move ahead with our plans and dreams.

What can we do to manage and eliminate fear?

-Be aware that we feel and identify what are you afraid? What do I care? What am I afraid to lose?
"If we write your fears on paper will help us identify and capture them and take them out of us. Those creative people can even paint that or those fears.
-Be fully aware of what I feel, and look at the face of fear, and even feel good about that feeling. No escape.
-ask what's the worst that can happen? Sometimes, the worst that can happen, is less than the suffering that I have.
-Apply any relaxation technique or positive visualization. Imagine calm and wondered what would happen if you had no fear?
-Talk with fear, thank you for having so long together, and say they no longer need it, you're going to continue with your plans and dreams. You're going to move forward.
-exposing, security environments, to what we fear. Do so.
-Seize the moment present in the now, not what might happen in the future.
-Celebrating our small successes.
-Playing sports or meditation.

I leave, ending with these words:

was afraid of ...

was afraid of being alone: \u200b\u200b Until I learned to love myself!

was afraid of failure: Until I realized that only failure if you try!

was afraid of ridicule: Until I learned to laugh at myself!

I was afraid of the hardships and problems
, until I understood that each of them learned a lesson.
was afraid of the future
, until I learned to enjoy the present.