Next: Workshop Train your mind and get rid of SNUFF "
The course" Train your mind and get rid of snuff "has a unique approach able detaching the world of snuff for any smoker, teaching him to rescue the maximum mental and emotional capacity and showing the way out faster and easier with well designed patterns to free
of snuff without discomfort and addressing anxiety from the first day.
Who is it for?
-A all smokers want to quit voluntarily and want external support and guidance to facilitate the process of liberation.
-A all smokers interested in understanding the intricacies of the world of snuff and the real reason that keeps him tied to snuff.
"Any professional who wants to expand their knowledge in the field and learn a unique approach that combines theoretical concepts and practical.
SMALL GROUPS Learning in groups reduced facilitates and promotes the assimilation of information participants can benefit from a semi-custom process with lower investment than individual sessions. The groups will be 5 - 10 people max. 5 / 9
Module I STARTING POINT: The basis for a great start Introduction and Course Requirements The Mental Capacity importance in our lives Adjusting my GPS to start the process discover our unique starting point and specific stress and the right time
Module II WORLD SNUFF unmasking the Unit Physical, Mental and Emotional mental map of smoking snuff trap Unveiling Anxiety, Mono or withdrawal Untying process
Module III Learn to unlearn Waking internal capabilities and resources Learning Self Hypnosis The incredible power of words Weaknesses and Strengths to consider fumarnunca Stop been so pleasant
Module IV FOREVER RELEASED FROM SNUFF-MenteOigo Body Alignment and Oblivion; see and learn, I do and understand. How make the snuff is history forever Enhancing Positive Feelings 6 / 9
The course will consist of 5 sessions from Monday to Friday of 2 hours each (10 hrs total).
Schedule shall be 19.00 to 21.00 or agree.
Schedule shall be 19.00 to 21.00 or agree.
SENDASANA , Street Barriers 13, Entlo. B, 30008 - Murcia
Center For more information feel free to contact us:
SENDASANA , Street Barriers 13, Entlo. B, 30008 - Murcia
Center For more information feel free to contact us:
Welcome Morote: 677.77.10.29 or write me at this email: , and send you a pdf with all the details.