Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Aftermarket Motorbike Rims

Invest in your future career, it's worth! What

My career path focused on professional and vocational orientation for 14 years, training, and my coaching accreditation, have resulted in my coaching career specialization or "job-coaching ".

Then you explain, first as it can help to career coaching, and then what kind of groups I speak:

These are some of the reasons or reasons to invest in career coaching:

-Quieresplanificar your career and achieve faster job placement optimal
-OHASA developed a successful career and has reached a "ceiling" on your actualpuesto or company, and therefore think about a career change or employment.
-Obien go through a critical change in your current position, do not feel at ease, are blocked, you want a change, but you do not know what the mejorenfoque.
"You build your business, you have an idea matures, but you need momentum to get started.

Collective it serves:

Coaching for active workers, professionals in general and entrepreneurs:

In this vein I offer coaching to push you to change jobs and work in the thing you have talent and skills, improve current support in making career decisions, and to set up or manage your own business.
I can also accompany to develop key skills in the labor market, such as better time management and organization, leadership, and emotional self-regulation, teamwork, communication skills and the ability to speak in public (losing stage fright) among many others.

Coaching for professional guidance and technical jobs.

Sinecesitas improve your interview guidance, and help with your mayorprofundidad users, I can pursing the tools and delcoaching resources, through the workshop "coaching tools for guidance, I'll have ready soon.
help you get tools to facilitate study-to-day guidance interviews, leading to streams, turning professional in a process where the mentee is responsible yconsciente of everything needed, and completing the process in a way másprofunda career guidance.

Coaching for opponents or students:

Paramejorar or further
Your internal motivation, and create you a habit of study demanera you have a discipline, improve your time management to be máseficaz. Or improve self-motivation is the key in a process of preparation for competitive examinations or study.

Coaching for recent graduates or college courses deúltimos:

Puedoacompañarte in improving your skills and expertise, discover for yourself all the talent in you . Guide you to define or realize your career goal, one that lets you work in aquellopara you have skills and you have talent. Help in making decisions about future career atu. Accompany you in your job search so that it seaorganizada and effective. And work the self-motivation to accompany you throughout your process lolargo search and job placement.

If you feel identified with any of these groups, or simply want to improve your professional status or employment, please contact me, and try a free first session.

think the work is something important in life, and where we spend much time (30 or more years), so that, the happier we are with our stand, but we feel productive and fulfilled in the day to day and with ourselves.

Invest in your career, it's worth!

Welcome Morote Marco.
Coach and professional guidance


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