Saturday, May 7, 2011

30th Birthday Invitation Wording


In relationships, LOVE is the main ingredient, however, need other things to make the relationship work. What things are those?, Above all, a great deal of maturity and emotional intelligence and self-love, for love that is stable, calm and give us added value to our lives.

Knowing what we want in love, we will help you identify the right person. Reflect on what personality traits, life style, attachment style (which the person is more or less dependent on the emotional), and values we want the person we choose and we choose to us.

Some people may think that this is all very "rational, predictable, or just romantic love is unpredictable and" blind ", but in my opinion, have a sketch what we want in a mate, it is essential not to lose too much time with people who have little or nothing to do with us.

evolve and grow as a couple, is one of the desired goals in our lives for most people. The couple is, in most of cases, a mirror of ourselves, and importantly, the big challenge is not to project him or her, our frustrations or whatever you do not like ourselves, or if we do, have the courage and humility to recognize and implement all the gear to change.

questions and reflect on what is important to us in the family, as well as love, help us and give us security to elect the person we want to have our side. It is also true that the less need we have, the easier it will flow into the couple, and most complete we ourselves as people.

obviously feel the LOVE strongly toward the other person, will help us to want to improve, evolve, grow, trade, flow, overcome conflicts ... but not enough power of love, it is necessary emotional maturity, and confidence in ourselves.


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