Friday, February 25, 2011

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"We undertake?

have a business idea can be a great opportunity employability. Especially taking into account the current economic recession and how it has affected employment for others. But enough with this business idea to succeed? Of course not. It is also necessary to analyze other aspects including the entrepreneur's personality profile, analysis and development of a good business plan and the financing of the business.

In our culture for a post or holding a job "fixed" is better seen, and above all, is "safer" to ride you a business. A high level of university wants be an officer, this is the mentality that, in my opinion, we must change. It is important to help people change the "chip" of insurance, other more entrepreneurial mindset, and of course, is important to do at school, developing attitudes and skills (decision making, problem solving, initiative, adaptation change and creativity, among others) that bring the student to a more entrepreneurial mindset, and you take away the fear.

To start, we need, among others, a great deal of perseverance and self confidence, ability to take a risk or learn to live with the uncertainty of an uncertain future. All these capabilities can be trained so that if a person has the motivation to undertake and a business idea, but we need to improve on some of these skills is important to think that there are professionals who can help to get be a successful entrepreneur.

The future labor market equilibrium, is to change attitudes through education so that future generations will raise the self as another possibility, and are people, generating its own employment.

Friday, February 18, 2011

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CESAG art as an integrator of knowledge

It's a shame how little we spread the good news in this land of ours (Mallorca).

Saturday Irene de Puig was here on a previous trip in Italy to a meeting convened by UNESCO.

He was, among other things, in the course organized by the CESAG: Art as an integrator of knowledge.
spoke of Philosophy for Children, Philosophy 3-18. Very very interesting, especially in these times when so little reflect.

Congratulations to the organization (Margalida Calafat Concepció Bauçà the Mirab i) call to get speakers this size.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Want to try a free coaching session?

I invite you to try a free coaching session , and if you're continuarcon the process. In addition we offer a 25% discount on each session (promociónválida until April 14, 2011).

What happens in that first free coaching session? What's the use?

"To find out if we connect as coach ycoachee.
"To see my way to work and my professional style.
-To verify that you are interested in coaching, yrealmente you need to achieve your goals, or other options in Case of expertise it does not meet your needs.
"To solve all your doubts encuanto the process, schedule, fares, way of working, and any otroasunto you want to know about coaching, and me.
-To verify whether it is useful to you.
-To offer you other contacts for you to check profesionalesen I'm not the right person for you.

In the article of January 19, 2011 of this blog, explicodetalladamente what my specialty in coaching, and how I can help.

For more information:
Welcome Morote.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Tests recommended for professional guidance

Before choosing career, it is important to know each other well.

I recommend the following tests, although each would recommend some options as you are shuffling.

This selection is for Julia, but I can serve everyone.

Julia, I put them in the order in which I think you should make, if you do not have time to answer everything. From this link, the quiz manager. It can be useful to explore the topic of Management.

Vocational guidance, Holland This is the best, but it is difficult to ask you what has worked ... is good for people who have already worked, but it's worth doing well at ESO, bridging the gap. Answers as possible.

Choose profession is a University of Murcia, is not bad, I affinity results with various professional sectors, it is worth it. Chosen profession without restrictions of gender, either of the Community of Murcia. It is very good, based on personality and not just in jobs like / dislike, but has a problem: so many options typically leave is difficult to choose. The interesting thing is racing rather than discarded. ~ jcruz / resources / test / test_orientacio / test_orientacio.htm In this, you should make a each option. If you write that everything is fantastic, the result will be good for all, making no progress ..... This is similar to the previous, each group must make a choice for each type. The results are not adapted to the European, but serves as a reference.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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Prearo What is? and what level we are in the Region of Murcia?

dereconocimiento and accreditation procedure the
competenciasprofesionales (Prearo)

In August 2009, was published in the BOE (State BoletínOficial) the convening of this procedure.

is a process for recognizing , assess and accredit the competenciasprofesionales have been acquired through work experience or through other routes (not formal) training. And besides, it is bringing the work and educational administration.

There are five levels (level of knowledge yresponsabilidad) to establish, but in the Region of Murcia, for now, only going to demonstrate and evaluate levels1 (most basic), 2 and 3 (are losequivalentes vocational training).

profesionalesconvocadas Skills laRegión in Murcia:

-health and social care to social eninstituciones dependents.
-health and social care to people at home.


Does this mean that I present my academic experience writs not, for example, child care, and give me a títulode that specialty training or a certificate deprofesionalidad?

not . I only credited competency units, thatis, small modules (or subjects) a training cycle or certificate deprofesionalidad. If in due course, want to get the title formaciónprofesional will need the academic requirements of this title. Paraagilizar serves obtain that title, and only take certain subjects.

Grade Middle , ESO or access the entrance exam.
Superior Grade , access to high school or entrance test.

oformación What non-academic experience into account?

Experience: etc. with little 3 years with 2,000 hours worked (for units of competency decualificaciones levels 2 and 3) in the last 10 years prior to laconvocatoria.

Training: 300 hours (for units of competency decualificaciones level 2 and 3) in the last 10 years prior to laconvocatoria.

Paraúna more detailed guidance on the web comes from the Institute of lascualificaciones, or visit your nearest professional counselor:

I am gratified to have the Region of Murcia was a the pioneering susespecialidades to convene once the legislation came in the BOE in 2009. For SEDIGAS then we go to the queue at all.

Throughout 2011, are preparing more especialidadespara proof, so you must be aware of the calls in elinstituto the skills of Murcia.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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What are your skills?

The job market is increasingly másexigente, globalized, and is constantly changing. So the desempleadosdeben adapt to this market to be candidates witha value and range of skills. The valuation of called "professional competence" is estáconvirtiendo a determining factor for entering the job market.

What are professional competencies?

all the knowledge, skills and attitudes that serve to better perform a job. "
"Anything that helps you better AHAC work, regardless of discipline technique. "
          “Las habilidades necesarias paratener éxito en un trabajo”.
          “Son las que hacen que unas personassean más eficaces que otras en el desempeño de su trabajo”
two levels of competence:

Generic or transverse : all those entreprofesiones common, and are highly valued by firms. Example: degestionar ability and time management.

Specific : the nature of each profession. Example: manejarautocad.

key Questions to Ask all those who are unemployed or who want to use cambiarde:

· ; What skills (both generic comoespecíficas) calls my profession or occupation?
· Which of them I have, what I'm missing?
· How I can increase my value to be másatractivo to the business?

The job search process has variasfases, and one of them is to define what skills I possess, and cuálesnecesito improve or acquire to be inserted quickly into the labor market.

In the next article I will explain elprocedimiento of recognition, evaluation and accreditation through competenciasprofesionales Prearo in Region of Murcia.