"You see what you know but not explain it well,"
"You see you have studied, but do not understand."
Sometimes the origin of the problem is reading: we have not understood, so do not explain well.
Or, conversely, what we believe but we are not able to demonstrate in a written exam. Usually it is a bit of everything.
This happens when there are difficulties of a dyslexic, but not necessary reach the disorder so that we too can happen. Especially when every time you introduce more and more languages.
So this summer we have a intensive reading and writing. It is designed for those who have to start Primary 6 or 1 ยบ ESO, but others can do for other courses. Is a prerequisite to good use after the study techniques, which are very useful when poorly controlled comprehension and expression. Although this course also work, but much less intensive than in courses that last the entire course, of course.
The same, in other ways, we have worked in higher grades up to university level (specifically in History and Teaching). So, as in the shoe, if you can not find your number, please contact us!
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